The Global Surgery Student Alliance (GSSA) is the national student-run global surgery working group for the U.S., affiliated with the International Student Surgical Network (InciSioN). We believe that students and residents are an invaluable resource for the advancement of surgical, obstetric, trauma, and anesthesia care worldwide. By unifying our efforts as students and residents, we have been able to further our initiatives and to facilitate more collaboration amongst overall global surgery work, both now and in the future. Last year, we launched our efforts with the Boston Global Surgery Symposium and have since created a national leadership team of 21 students and residents from 12 U.S. medical institutions. Our national team is currently working on projects in advocacy, education, and research to serve over 1500 students and residents across 28 GSSA local chapters. By exposing students to the field early on, we hope to help them build their careers with global surgery in mind. Ultimately, many students are willing and able to make significant contributions to global surgery, and our goal is to be a resource that facilitates those efforts. You can learn more about us at globalsurgerystudents.org and can contact us at globalsurgerystudents@gmail.com if you have questions.