Original Research
Essential Neurosurgical Workforce Needed to Address Neurotrauma in Low- and Middle- Income Countries.
Jacquelyn Corley, Jacob Lepard, Ernest Barthélemy, Joanna L Ashby; Kee B Park. World Neurosurgery. December 2018
Ise, Menesezes, Batista Neto, Saluja, Amundson, Jenny, Massenburg, Citron, Alonso. Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal. August 2018
Development of a Novel Global Surgery Course for Medical Schools.
Anderson, AlbuttMD, Holmer, Muguti, Mbuwayesango, Muchuweti, Gidiri, Mugapathyay, Iverson, Roa, Sharma, Jeppson, Jönsson, Lantz, Saluja, Lin, Citron, Meara, Hagander. Journal of Surgical Education. September 2018.
The economic consequences of neurosurgical disease in low- and middle-income countries.
Niclas Rudolfson, Michael C. Dewan, Kee B. Park, Mark G. Shrime, MD, John G. Meara, Blake C. Alkire. Journal of Neurosurgery.
May 2018.
Latent class analysis of the social determinants of health-seeking behaviour for delivery among pregnant women in Malawi. *Yorlets RR, *Iverson KT, Roder-DeWan S, Gage AD, Nsona H, Leslie HH, Shrime MG. BMJ Global Health.
You pray to your God: A qualitative analysis of challenges in the provision of surgical care in Uganda. Albutt K, Yorlets RR, Punchak M, Kayima P, Namanya DB, Anderson GA, Shrime MG. PLoS ONE. 2018
Provision of surgical care in Ethiopia: Challenges and Solutions. *Starr N, *Kelly C, Raykar NP, Yorlets RR, Derbew M. Global Public Health. 2018