Global Surgery Research Seminar
This Global Surgery Research Seminar is a public seminar series to share methods and results across a broader surgery research community. Over the course of ten seminars, our goal is to strengthen global surgery general knowledge and specific skills by learning from the experience of the seminar speakers.
Each Research Seminar will examine a common theme and common methods. Each speaker will present for 20-25 minutes, followed by a 30 minute open discussion on the topic. All are welcome to attend and participate; specific details and registration links for sessions are available for each Research Seminar.
If you are unable to make a given Research Seminar, recorded videos will be uploaded to this site and can be accessed via the links below.
2021 - 2022 Research Seminar
September 9: Perceptions of "Global Surgery": the use of online surveys, with Ulrick Sidney Kanmounye and Betty Yibrehu
October 14: Financial Risks of surgery: the use of tools to assess expenditure, with Juliet Okoroh and Geoffrey A. Anderson
November 11: TBA
December 9: TBA
January 13: TBA
February 10: TBA
March 10: TBA
April 14: TBA
May 12: TBA
September 9, 2021
Perceptions of "Global Surgery":
the use of online surveys.
This seminar will discuss the perceptions of the field of global surgery, highlighting studies in Cameroon and Canada. The featured speakers will highlight their research results and will dive into their experiences using online surveys as a research tool.

Ulrick Sidney Kanmounye, @ulricksidney
Institutional affiliation
Betty Yibrehu, @twitter handle
Institutional affiliation
Recommended Readings:
Kanmounye US, et al. "Exploring the knowledge and attitudes of Cameroonian medical students towards global surgery: A web-based survey." 2020 Apr 3. PLoS One.
Yibrehu B, et al. "Ethical Considerations Regarding Global Surgery Experiences in Canadian General Surgery Residencies: A Preliminary Discussion." 2021 Feb 3. J Surg Educ.
October 14, 2021
Financial Risks of Global Surgery:
the use of tools to assess expenditure.
This seminar will discuss the risk of catastrophic expenditures arising from surgical care, highlighting studies in Ghana and Uganda. The featured speakers will highlight their research results and will dive into their experiences using tools to assess care expenditures and calculate financial risk.

Juliet Okoroh, @twitter handle
Institutional affiliation
Geoffrey A Anderson, @twitterhandle
Institutional affiliation
Recommended Readings:
Okoroh J, et al. "Does insurance protect individuals from catastrophic payments for surgical care? An analysis of Ghana's National Health Insurance Scheme at Korle-Bu teaching Hospital" 2020 Jan 17. Observational Study.
Anderson GA, et al. "Out-of-pocket payment for surgery in Uganda: The rate of impoverishing and catastrophic expenditure at a government hospital." 2017 Oct 31. PLoS One.